The Hebrew word Shalom means “peace, prosperity, favor, health, and well-being.” Most people believe that the path to peace and joy is created by experiencing “ideal” circumstances, and we all have different thoughts of what “ideal” looks like. Some say they would be at peace if they had a perfect partner, a better job, more money, no health issues, flawless children, a bigger house, or relocating to the beach. Although it is tempting to believe that if we can somehow…..
Most of us thrive when we feel familiar and in control of our circumstances, but when we experience unexpected change, which test our faith, we become afraid of the challenge to keep stepping forward. In spite of our best efforts to believe, fear seems to overthrow our faith. However, Jesus experienced and understands our struggles, and He is willing and able to lead us down the path that will prevail over fear. The prerequisite for taking our first step on this path…..
A seasoned, mature, Paul said, “For I have learned how to be content in whatever state I am.” He was spiritually resting in God given, unconditional peace; that no one or any circumstance could take from him. This same peace, Jesus offers His followers in John 14:27, ” I leave you my peace, I give you my peace, I do not give it to you as the world gives it.” The world offers pacifiers, reassurances, merchants of happiness that can calm the troubles of…..
Many people believe if they love God and love others things will go easy for them in this world. However, the reality is;while we reside on this imperfect planet, no one is exempt from experiencing times of difficulty, and disappointment. Our Lord Jesus told His disciples, whom He loved, that they would encounter troubles and problems on this earth. After making this seemingly depressing statement, Jesus spoke out with great optimism, telling His followers to cheer up. That is, He…..
Many people believe the physical world is the only reality, and the spiritual world is not real. Yet even the biggest skeptics must realize there is a spiritual enemy in this world, that seeks to defeat God’s plans and people. Satan is the worker of darkness and creates; hate, fear, lies, gossip, defeat, negativism, jealousy, selfishness,and chaos. Fear is one of the main tactics Satan uses to thwart us from being able to rest in, rely on, and trust in God’s loving faithfulness. Fear paralyzes us and hinders…..
It is a pleasure, and quite easy to be kind to those who are kind, considerate, and respectful. But it can be quite a chore, and challenge to be kind to those who are unkind, inconsiderate, and disrespectful! When someone offends us- and we haven’t learned to hold our tongue, pull away, and run to the Lord to unload the hurt or anger in our hearts- we will most likely get pulled into our offender’s temper, anger, etc., and act…..
We have all experienced days or seasons of trouble and difficulty. During times like these, we usually feel the need to cry out to God for help, because we recognize the need for something bigger than ourselves to trust in and lean and rely on. In the day of trouble, our weakness acknowledges that only God has the grace and strength we need, to keep us stepping forward. Because Jesus loves us unconditionally, and more than we are able to…..
Most of us desire to walk in harmony with others, but in this world conflict cannot totally be avoided! Even though anger is a normal human emotion, if held onto, it can easily turn into something that will make us fall short (sin) and keep us stuck in an undesirable place. To be emotionally, and spiritually healthy we must learn to acknowledge (pray), work through (feel), and release (let go), of our hearts layered anger, giving it to our Lord……
When someone fails to meet our expectations or hopes, it’s easy to feel disappointed. With disappointment come feelings of sadness or frustration that we must work through,in order to move forward emotionally, and spiritually. For example, Job’s loss was great, he expected his three friends to support him with compassion and understanding as he endured his painful predicament. But just the opposite happened. What he expected and trusted his friends to do never took place. Instead, the friends disappointed Job…..
Sometimes life is just plain hard, and in our human weakness– we feel like we just can’t keep on keeping on; because we don’t have the strength! During these times, we recognize the need for our higher power, who is Jesus, to step in and support us at our weak point. Because He has promised that His grace, favor, loving-kindness, and mercy is sufficient to cover our weakness… it is all we need to keep moving forward in life, and…..