In the book of Exodus, all our Jewish ancestors walked through the wilderness, and were tested. Many failed the test and never made it to the Promised Land. Throughout the old and new testament, God has communicated to those who love Him and desire to fulfill their God given destiny that learning from the children of Israel’s failures will help us be overcomers during our times of testing in the wilderness. As we examine these failures, we must recognize- the…..
We are spiritual beings living in fleshly bodies in this world. Like oil and water, spirit and flesh generally resist integration and are antagonistic toward one another. The breath of the Spirit creates life, while the works of the flesh produce death. When our spirit yields and joins together with the Holy Spirit we desire to walk in his way and to do God’s will; we also long to press on, and increasingly love Him with all our heart,…..
There are times that working, communicating, and relating with others is fitting, prolific, needful, and necessary! Yet, there are also appropriate times of slowing down and pulling away from the chaos and clamor of life, in order to experience growth and balance through a living, spiritual, relationship with Christ. To keep stepping forward in this world spiritually, and becoming One in heart and mind with Christ (John17:21), through the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit, requires times of…..
Have you ever been betrayed by someone you loved and trusted? If so, you understand the enormous hurt, devastation, and suffering human deception and betrayal can generate, especially when it comes from someone you believed was truthful and trustworthy. Or maybe you are the one, who has betrayed and deceived someone who loved and trusted in you, and as a result of your duplicity, you now carry a load of remorse and guilt. At the end of His earthly journey,…..
Is your heart and mind burdened down with the weight of anxiety, fear, or worry? Many times King David, a man after God’s own heart, experienced difficulties that pulled him into worry, fretting, anger, fear, self-pity, and hopelessness. When the enemy pulls you in this direction, it can be a battle, but our Savior has given us His grace, knowledge, and the word of truth that is powerful and overcomes the negative stratagems of darkness. King David had an honest,…..
True humility is a rare commodity in our world today! Yet we are told in scripture, if we humble ourselves before the Lord that He will lift us up and make our lives significant! We are also told that God gives grace to the humble, but must resist the proud. When the Holy Spirit begins to teach us how detrimental pride is to our spiritual walk and growth; the desire to “humble ourselves” before the Lord, and recognize our continuous…..
Our world is saturated with skepticism, agnosticism, and atheism. Many, who practice true simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, are vilified as ignorant, closed minded, and uninformed. Yet, truly God desires to be involved personally in the ups and downs of his children’s everyday lives! Today, the spiritual law that God performs miracles when we believe and confidently trust in Jesus’ authority is still a reality. Yet, when it comes to faith, as believers we are all at various…..
As a runner I know from experience how hard it can be to run up hill, especially in a race. I’ve learned that when running hills, you must not focus on how much farther you must climb to finish; you must instead concentrate on your present stride, one step at a time. When you look too far ahead, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with negative thoughts such as: I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to finish; this is…..