The Bible teaches us that there is a time and season for every purpose under heaven. In other words, we will experience continual change while living in this world. Nothing stays the same, just as babies are born and elderly loved ones pass away, the cycle of life moves forward. We rationally understand that change will come to us all, but when our lives and circumstances are suddenly altered, it can be hard to adjust spiritually and emotionally. Unpredictable change in jobs, health, relationships, families, governments, and finances can easily leave us feeling fearful, unstable, insecure, and not knowing where to turn. But in the middle of the mess, God remains the same God of love, and promises to be faithful to see His children through the ups and downs of this life. Jesus calls all of His children to”come to Me”; He will help, comfort, and give the grace, strength, and courage needed to keep stepping forward. His unconditional love is the power that will defeat the fear that seems to dominate your life. To dwell in the secret place means “to reside” or stay with” Christ who through the Holy Spirit, abides and lives in the secret, private, personal place of your heart. In other words, don’t run away or leave Jesus in the midst of problems. Stay with Him and take Him with you. Then commune, converse, and connect, as you share with total abandon the private issues of your heart. God has the grace you need to walk in love, hope, stability, security, and peace-no matter what the circumstances might be.
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no foe can withstand]” (Psalm 91:1).