Do you see the glass half empty or half full? Many people have the tendency to be all or nothing thinkers-it’s all good or it’s all bad! This kind of thinking is unrealistic and will easily defeat our efforts to win the battle to overcome in negative or hard situations. To balance the negative and positive sides we must look at our situation truthfully! For example, last year I seriously injured my shoulder… I did not deny it hurt…. it also kept me from many of my normal activities. The process and therapy took many, many months and hard work to keep stepping toward healing; now that is the negative truth! But when I speak the positive side which says- yes this happened to me, but with God’s help it did not defeat me! The Lord gave me the grace to not give up… to keep trusting Him to take care of me and see me through. I did not deny the negative, BUT I did deny that the negative has power to defeat me in Christ! When I got hurt,My truthful confession was the Lord will heal me…. Now,my truthful confession is the Lord has graciously healed me! When Moses gave and account of Israel’s passage out of Egypt, he spoke of the difficulty and adversity they had experienced but concluded with an encouraging expression of the Lord’s deliverances. Like Moses, we must learn to balance the negatives we experience with the positive truth that the Lord will deliver His children. During hardships,we must remember to maintain balance by speaking the positive truth and reality of God’s deliverance, triumph, mercy, and steadfast love that He imparts to us as we expectantly wait on His deliverance!
“Moses told his father-in-law all the Lord had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Israel’s sake and all the hardships that had come upon them by the way and how the Lord delivered them”(Exodus 18::8).