When it is dark in the physical realm – we are unable to see. In the spiritual realm, ‘darkness,’ which is the opposite of ‘Light’, works towards blinding and deterring us from discovering that Jesus is the Light giver, who has the power to pierce and defeat the darkness in our lives. Jesus said, “I am light to the world and those who embrace me will experience life-giving light, and they will never, no never, walk in darkness” (John8:12tPt). Maybe you are in a circumstance, or involved in a relationship that you sometimes feel stuck in, and it seems you are so blinded that you just can’t seem to discover or experience God’s way to be, walk, or turn. You want God’s will in the situation, and you long for the Lord to be involved and close, but you sometimes get pulled into confusion, discouragement, or condemnation of others or yourself. This creates anger, fear, or self-pity and attempts to pull you down, into deeper darkness. In this life, the enemy works hard to keep us from knowing and experiencing that Jesus is the Light of the world- He is the powerful Light that will pierce into the most trying and darkest circumstances of our lives. It is God’s will that Jesus brings His life-giving Light into every circumstance, plan, and relationship in our lives. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean that our lives are going to work out like a fairytale! But it does mean that the Lord will shed His Light into your heart and mind, satisfy your inner man with peace, contentment and joy, while showing you the Way, to walk in trust and faith. His Light will show you His Truth in every situation, and give Life and satisfaction- filling you with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, until you overflow! Jesus Christ is the Light that bursts through gloom-the Light that darkness cannot diminish! Set your hearts on Him, and receive grace heaped upon more grace! Allow God to reveal the gift of His sufficient grace as a reality in your life. Jesus said, “I am with you, and my life is the light that pierces this world’s darkness, and gives you the ability to have spiritual eyes that can see!” Jesus Christ is Victor – He has already defeated the darkness that attempts to come against the children of God!
“I have come as a light to shine in this dark world so that all who trust in me will no longer wander in darkness” (John 12:4tPt).